Ronnie Radke Claims Woman Received “Almost a Million Dollars” for Getting Hit With Mic Stand in 2012
Falling in Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke recently made it clear that he offers "no apologies" to those who experienced an injury as a result of his purportedly violent onstage escapades.
In particular, the musician said he wouldn't apologize — and maintained he's never apologized — for a 2012 incident in which he was reportedly arrested after apparently harming a pair of concertgoers. At that time, two audience members said they were hurt after Radke threw several microphone stands into the crowd.
But it's just one concertgoer that Radke singles out in his latest missive.
As those who follow the rocker's Twitter account will know, Radke has no problem offering some blunt ideas regarding a wide array of topics. This week, when the mic stand episode came up, the musician showed no hesitation with his thoughts. See the exchange down toward the bottom of this post.
On Thursday (Jan. 16), Radke was asked by a fan how many times he's apologized "for the 1 mic stand." He responded, "I've actually never apologized for the micstand event. He added, "[Be]cause girl got almost a million dollars for a tiny ass cut and it helped my persona so no apologies."
In an earlier tweet, Radke explained his justification by listing other supposed incidents where entertainers had seemingly injured spectators.
"Axl Rose caused a riot resulting in multiple deaths," Radke stated. "Travis Scott Sued by fan claiming he was paralyzed. Amy Winehouse punches fan in face, Keith Richards hits fan with guitar shall I continue to further my point that it happens a lot?"
It appears this all stemmed from Issues drummer Josh Manuel asking an innocent enough question on Twitter: "What’s the worst mistake/train wreck that’s every happened to you during a show?"
Radke responded to the query with, "I decided the fans wanted mic stands and threw them into the crowd at six flags banning all bands playing there and paying 900k to the girl that got a half inch cut on her head."
Eight years later, the singer is certainly leaning into his so-called persona. In last year's Falling in Reverse single "Popular Monster," Radke sings, "I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer."
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