Bring Me the Horizon ‘Bring Back Gutturals’ for New Album
We've seen Bring Me the Horizon's sound evolve to a poppier vibe over the course of the last few albums, but might there still be some room for the heavier vibe of yesteryear? The group has been recording music for their next studio album and posting video of the sessions, with the recap from Day 10 leaning heavily on "bringing back the gutturals."
In the video below, singer Oli Sykes is predominantly featured as they begin to figure out lyrics from a guttural-styled piece for the new record. He teases in the clip, “The guttural is back. 2020 is the year of the guttural.”
Watch as the music evolves from what Jordan Fish calls "buh da day da buh day da" into the lyrics "Pass the flask cause I'm bathing in blood." Sykes also screams with increasing energy, imploring the listener to "jump, jump, jump, jump."
If nothing else, the video is an interesting view into how music builds from initial ideas to what eventually turns up on record, with a few bits of trial and error along the way.
Bring Me the Horizon had a busy 2019, starting things off with their Amo album, then finishing off the year with their quietly released effort Music to Listen To, which featured guest turns from Halsey, Bexey and Lotus Eater, Happyalone and others.
Keeping the momentum going and with the forced downtime from the coronavirus pandemic, the group has been moving forward with their next album. Check out the latest studio update below.
Bring Me the Horizon Bring Back Gutturals in Day 10 of Recording New Album
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