Oli Sykes Responds to TikTok Star’s Bring Me the Horizon Remix, Two May Collaborate Soon
TikTok star Jeris Johnson may have just landed another high profile fan. After being challenged on his channel to add a fresh take to Bring Me the Horizon's "Can You Feel My Heart," his remix caught the attention of Bring Me's frontman Oli Sykes.
Responding to the initial request from a fan, Johnson called a potential Bring Me the Horizon pairing his "dream collaboration honestly." The initial remix TikTok can be viewed below.
Jeris Johnson Remixes Bring Me the Horizon's "Can You Feel My Heart"
As stated, it wasn't long until Sykes caught wind of the remix and a fresh video featuring the Bring Me the Horizon singer joyously watching Johnson's take on the song was posted to their TikTok account.
Sykes added in his message to Johnson, "Holy shit we love this Jeris. Check ur inbox. Let's do something," so it looks like that "dream collaboration" may come true.
Bring Me the Horizon's Oli Sykes Responds to Jeris Johnson Remix
Johnson is off to a killer start to the year. After he reworked Papa Roach's "Last Resort" on TikTok, he was able to collaborate with the group on a fresh release dubbed "Last Resort Reloaded" complete with a new video.
The up-and-coming singer also released his My Sword EP at the end of last month that included a remix of the song "Damn!" that included Nickelback's Chad Kroeger.