Pete Wentz Live-Streamed a Fall Out Boy Show While in Quarantine…With Action Figures: Watch
Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz is keeping emo fans entertained as he's homebound and others self-quarantine during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. And he's doing it with action figures.
That's right. The Fall Out Boy bassist took to Instagram Live on Monday (March 23) to recreate an FOB concert experience in the miniature with action figure likenesses of himself and his bandmates. As of this article's posting, the stream is still available to watch over on Wentz's Instagram page.
Otherwise, see a fan-captured section of the toy gig toward the bottom of this post. The display of tiny plastic Fall Out Boys — the figures atop a makeshift stage constructed of cereal boxes — is as close as one can get to a concert from the band right now. As of late, most live events have been canceled or postponed.
And, yes, those are actual Fall Out Boy action figures. They appear to be from a line of 2006 FOB toys manufactured by SOTA Toys, a California-based collectibles company. Although the toys don't seem to be for sale at retail anymore, the figures occasionally crop up online on auction sites such as eBay.
However, the figure for FOB drummer Andy Hurley appears to be missing in action — he gets replaced with another character wearing a Slipknot-esque mask. Maybe Wentz lost Hurley's corresponding toy. Or perhaps the bassist felt that Hurley looks too different from his 2006 visage.
But brandishing rare Fall Out Boy toys wasn't all that Wentz had on his docket during Monday's livestream. The musician gave fans an extra treat by busting out the fangs he wore in the music video for "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More 'Touch Me.'" See a fan-snagged clip of that event down below, as well.
Hopefully the boys are back in the flesh for the planned "Hella Mega Tour" this summer.
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